
Official Desk

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Director: kristog India Pvt. Ltd.

Reliability, Sincerity, Desire for Happiness & Commitment for the welfare of mankind were the pillars on which he laid the foundation of the Kristog India Private Limited. Owing in terms of Steadiness and Integrity as a whole, he fostered constant evolution and innovation to build a distinct and healthy Company Culture.

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Bhola Kumar
Director: kristog India Pvt. Ltd.

Our strength is developed by our unique ideas and values, wherein we develop excellent and smart services by giving equal importance to our partners involved in the chain, such as our diverse talented work team, clients and the society. Finding new ideas and strategies of creating brilliant business opportunities and giving value-added solutions to our clients.

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CEO: kristog India Pvt. Ltd.

Our team is happy to answer your question about our services.we always welcome a call or meeting at a convenient time for you to learn more about our product/services also welcoming you to our office for a better understanding between us.